About Love

About love
That throbs like screaming wound,
Craving for nothing but
Its own

No reciprocity
No repayment

It hurts.
It hurts.
Yet it is noble
And true.

It is endless overflow
Of spring water
To the river
To the

the driver drove me these 2 days has 3 kids; 1 is pursuising police education, 1 is studying to be a technician, 1 is 10 years old

he and his wife work super hard to make their children’s dreams come true — they have double jobs and spend most of their time working

that old man and his loyal wife truly have reflected what love is, reminding me to my parents and what they did for their children

thank you for the love lesson that makes me believe how love changes things


What Has Age Taught You? – haiku

What has age taught you?
Fear to lose or daringness
To shine through glory~

Temasek – October 14, 2019


Life is choking at times but mostly it feels too roomy to let yourself be offended by only a few wrong-doings or wrong decisions. If your life is as short as a mayfly’s age, you might want to fly dancing the most gracefully. Or, you just want to rest perching on the bark while praying for the best of 24 hours before your life cycle ends — this is the least suggested though.

My Beloved, please always spare me a beautiful life -I know Your definition of beautiful might be with some splash of shit in it- to share with those that matter to me (and also with those that don’t, as You wish). 💝

Please grant me clarity.