
Cured is what's preserved:
Head and heart from discomfort
Of forgotten hope--

Enjoy your weekend!

i don’t like daily chemical medication but once i realized that it is part of what makes the body cured (longer preserved from decay), i’ve made great peace 😍

back-to-back trips are at peace with 3-in-1 (passport, money and medication) primarily prepared

let’s fly again

Note to fellow human beings: All what human beings do to be physically healthy is to ensure a longer preserved life. I’ve made peace since forever that human beings’ body is dying everyday, unstoppable, just made the process nicer and more relaxed.


You were home
For a while,
A short while,
Until an ignored road calls
To leave,
To go back to
A road less travelled
Which a few are lured to walk.
It brings me to a place not known.
What's known is
Birds chirp along the way,
Hares run between bushes,
Woods give shades from scorching days,
Wild flowers nod to greet footsteps,
The narrow path brings this journey to a bright end--

pamit is a Javanese and Indonesian word that literally means “saying goodbye” although in Javanese the word pamit has a weight of a polite request to leave β™₯️

Curtains of Light

You're so brilliant,
Flickering rays dancing bright.
You hide the love behind curtains of light,

It was my father’s birthday yesterday. He is to be 85 years old physical being this year and is a happy united soul in heaven.

Happy birthday, Bapak. You are loved. You are remembered.

You’ve been a northern lights or southern lights 😁 to us, rare and beautiful — shining in the dark.

aurora borealis….

if time allows….

About aurora

Perfect Weekend

Weekend, Beloved
Perfect with noisy kitchen
And finished laundry--

today’s healthful brunch❣️ we call it urap in Javanese cuisine — the raw leaves are “kencur” from the pot in the balcony β™₯️

About kencur

wanted to eat raw veggies but i didn’t trust the source so boiled it was — missing my home in Yogyakarta where greeneries grow organically

the grated coconut

i still haven’t bought a new food processor after the old one was spoiled so today i had to do it with my favourite pestel and mortar — now my hands feel burnt of the chili heat 😎

Work & Study

In this life of hues
How can I note what’s given?
To work and study--

had breakfast sometimes dinner at this table for 9 days was an experience

it is a table under an artificial tree, the light is not too bright, not so obvious from too many angles so I chose it and when I saw the number, it became my table

next time might be other numbers πŸ€

44 means foundation, hard work, growth, achievements and if it is what is communicated to me, thank you.

44 is also country code of United Kingdom; I miss Chisholme House where time flows calmly while this body works and mind studies life with true devotion engaging with fellow human beings and nature. Dear God, please carry me there again.

About Chisholme House


What is it, Dearest?
She talks to all sides of walls, ceilings and floors.
They talk no word, just a long hum enticing her to stop thinking;
Leaving her no choice but a weekend laundry.
Spirituality, Dearest
Is her life with
Its ups and downs,
Its ins and outs.
Her strong wills and deteriorating muscles--

a short spiritual interview in my laundry weekend — thank you!

enjoy your weekend!


Pose as you love to.
Life gives one chance for one name.
Breathe in and breathe out.

my friend in his funny pose πŸ˜‚

I can’t thank enough to him for informing me about the “Da Vinci Alive Bangkok”

he said “Rike, I’ll go with you if my boyfriend goes to his class”

Thank you, Bank!

Epic Dinner

Today's dinner of a dreamer
Looks like a dream
Tastes like a dream
Smells like a dream
Sounds like a dream
But feels real
At a table for one
Of epic dinner.

Today’s dinner was way beyond my expectation especially the size. The taste was still as predicted as Thai food to be yet the vibe where I enjoyed my dinner was so relaxing that everything became good!

Let me show you today’s epic dinner.

In fact I surpassed the word gluttony. Please forgive me for being so greedy yet not finishing the order.

Next time better (better means eat more???) πŸ™ƒ


namprikapik muang kung: mackerel, deep fried eggplant, omelett cubes plus all the raw vegetable (some leaves like coriander leaves and others i know not, long bean, cucumber, small eggplant) and the shrimp paste sauce



miang krob bai mara: deep fried bitter gourd leaves❣️❣️❣️

kaeng leang: spicy herb vegetable soup with prawns

butterfly pea leaves tea❣️❣️❣️

this… is… the pinnacle! i thought it was a warm drink as a gift — lucky i asked: it was to wash my hand πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

and so i did

it smelled good yet my hand is coloured now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

One Hot Day Out

It is very hot in Bangkok but I really want to sit down meditating before praying in a place where people pray. A place of praying is one of best places as in that area human beings are willingly connecting themselves with power beyond their own, God’s or whatever they call the power is.

I went to Wat Pathum Wanaram Rachaworawihan near the hotel and it really is a serene spot among this busy city.

This hot day out has turned to a serene cool within.

Thank you❣️

in bloom

ready to bloom

Wat Pathum Wanaram Rachaworawihan

wherever i go, i won’t miss — i won’t iss praying (my own way), it can be in mosque, shrine, temple, church, meditation center, hotel room, where.ever i feel my heart is showing me a space β™₯️ — praying hall of Wat Pathum Wanaram Rachaworawihan

wherever i go, i won’t miss eating — lunch before temple πŸ’•

Da Vinci Alive Bangkok

Lucky to be in Bangkok this time with the “Da Vinci Alive Bangkok”–

I thought Mona Lisa painting was big until seeing it with my very eyes; this one is the replica displayed in “Da Vinci Alive Bangkok”

back in 2017 in Paris, I didn’t even have the energy to walk nearer — maybe next visit, Mona Lisa ❣️

International Jazz Day

Jazz didn’t simply come to me. My beloved sister contaminated me with jazz through time. When I was 14, she was a 17 yo girl crazy about music through cassettes (ahhh…. do 17 yo nowadays know what cassettes are).

The weird jazz up to acceptable jazz were played by her daily….

Now I am enjoying it when life sounds so messy and dry.

Thanks, Mbak Yuda. You are loved!

Happy International Jazz Day!

Bengawan Solo aka Solo River where my placenta was “floated away”


There are twins in life
Where mirror is concluded,
Balance is guarded.

my most worn twins — one pair is 6 years old, the other is 4; wait until both are uncomfortable to retire 😍

this time a room with twin bed is chosen, not because i stay with someone but i want to experience a different type of room — the same design, just the bed is different πŸ‘πŸ½

the Twin Towers across the 38th floor

Burnt Hair

Here is the long wait!

Here is the curiosity potion!

Here is the Burnt Hair!


a message sent to me on Apr 24 when I was in my mother’s house, from a shipping company – could not recall what I purchased as not much shopping these days

today I picked it up when arriving home – what is it, what is it, said I curiously

ahhh!!! I purchased Elon Musk’s perfume, the Burnt Hair on Oct 14, 2022

the longest wait of a PO to be shipped in my life πŸ˜‚

it is almost like burnt hair smell – maybe this is the smell of Elon Musk’s burnt hair πŸ˜‚

does it worth the wait? hmmm…. for my curiosity yes, not for my olfactory system 😹

at least I have his product, not Tesla though 😎


It's a preferred life,
Not a perfect one. Not much,
And she's fine.

45R is one of my preferred brands (doesn’t mean i buy a lot of its products though) – its good material is preferred, its most designs are not as they are to me “very foreign” ☺️


She's navigated
By stars that cluster in shapes.
They're glowing maps.

remarkable aspect of manta ray behavior is their ability to navigate across vast distances

a friend who didn’t meet for quite some time met me again in Hanoi and brought me this manta ray for my bag

she said she will invite me soon to her wedding 😍

thank you❣️

About manta ray

Learning from Tarot

I realise that I am a meaning seeker and I seek meaning in anything interested to me.

I seek meaning in the holy Books, in my own self, in nature, in literary works, in work of art and even in Tarot cards.

I don’t regret my failures of putting the right meanings to things as they’ve brought me here.

Thank you❣️

Four of Cups


many lament over life as if they have no love ignoring a hand offering love 😁 what an irony!

thanks to my dear self who has found a pinch of self love in the journey – not perfect yet, hope it be before the end of this journey