Ceiling Called Horizon

Ceiling of love
Can be as high as
Unlimited sky.
It climbs the realm of thought,
Enjoying breeze under the wings
Before settling itself somewhere
Called horizon.

restaurant ceiling made of dried rice leaves – they rustle in the wind, telling me that time can seem to stop yet never really does as it expands like horizon


When the road meets its end,
I wish
That this heart is letting go,
These steps are finished
So this soul flies in joy

I want a pillow
That is white,

My time will adjust to
That is as fast as light,
As fluid as water,
As peaceful as a night



My breathing is poetry.
It brings in inspiration,
Emits meaning.
My dreaming is poetry.
It attracts hopes,
Depicts reality.
My walking is poetry.
It steps on milestones,
Follows you.


when time is coming, let my poetry be with me 💕

Relative Paradox Is Time

Time is
Luxury for those knowing how short it is,
Ordinary as everyone is given.

Time is
Those transacting in life say
Time is money.
Those knowing its sharpness say
Time is like sword.
Those valuing milestones say
Let’s race with time.
Those mismanaging things say
I have no time.
Those loving you say
I have all time.
Those knowing your struggle say
Please take your time.
Those having super speed say
Don’t waste your time.

How do you say about
Your time?
You decide.
One to remember
There is no referee in life
To whom you can shout

Time flows.
Time flies.
Time walks.
Time runs.
Time swims.
Time dives.
You may want to stop it,
Yes you can
Only if you stop everything
At the same time for
Every body
Can you?


time is short when you smile and forever when you pout

Useful link about Time

Love ‘Coz It’s Time

There’s a crook
I can’t understand.
It is when I saw
You in silence
And said in heart
“I find no reason in
You for me to love but
What is this emotion?”
There’s another
I can understand.
It is when I felt
A warm summer
And said in heart
“There’s enough reason to love
You in silence
That forever blooms.”

No reason is needed to love
For love is blind.
Yet there’s reason to keep the love
For love is the only kind.

It’s time
When it’s time.


my orchids after one week left home alone

welcome! my orchids have taught me that flowers bloom when it’s time; not to be seen, not to be picked, not to be admired; they’re blooming simply to bloom — there’s only one reason to understand: it’s time

what is her ID? unknown and still beautifully blooming

with a line of my white shirts hanging as the background, this oncidium is gonna be yellow

another stem of oncidium waiting for its timing to greet me with yellow

dendrobium peeps again — thank you

dendrobium from the same cluster in the same pot that keeps greeting me with health and happiness

Time & Life

Time knocks on a door of life saying
“Would you travel with me?”
And a journey begins.
Time hugs its travel buddy knowing
That she might be off of the track.
Time talks to her hoping
That she is aware of the walk.
Time prances with her knowing
That she is on to where it heads.


dark and bright in one frame ♥️ time is a mystery

About Time

Time is
Lightning striking
And that’s it.
A patch
Of burnt earth is
A trace
Of surprise.

When we meet
Ignore the time.
Let’s count it
With heart beats
And senses
That touch.

Let me fall
In love with
Over and over again
As long as
Can be defined.

is one chasing the other or the kite? it is love that makes both run and laugh, a kite that keeps the child within alive

picture from Pinterest

Hold My (ranting)

Life is wonderful when it has ups, downs and plateau at the right time. In fact, time is always right at least twice a day when the clock is broken. When time seems not right, it will be right by deploying the right genre— prose, poetry or drama? Your decision! 😊

Realist: Stop drama now.

Me: Oh! You mean I should not use acts and scenes?

Playwright: She means no life drama.

Me: Ok. I will try prose.

Novelist: She means don’t be too much, my dear.

Me: Alright. I will use poem.

Poet: She means the content!

Me: Ahh! So it is about genre?

All but me: (speechless)

Critic: Hold my beer! I mean my teapot!

hold my teapot!

No Regret

One by one they fall,
Petals decompose to soil,
Fertilising life—

when i see more fine lines under my eyes, i feel blessed that i am alive up to this age; i wish to live longer with the same amount of love or even more 💝 there is no regret for all are signs and turns to the home 💝


Colours, hues, shades, tints
In a garden strike the eyes
Wandering within.

I am on an emergency short leave to visit my mother as my mother is sick. A sister called saying “she doesn’t want to eat”, “she can’t sleep well”, “she doesn’t want to visit her doctor”, “she thinks it is her time”, blahblahblah…. Alamak! Although sometimes we think she can be a drama queen, we start to think seriously when she can’t sleep well.

The second day of my visit she already watered her plants that line along my sister’s narrow garden. She sang along while walking in her house. She ate one big chunk of fast food’s fried chicken that my nephews insisted taken away for her. She has been back to her nature after meeting her children and grandchildren whom she missed who are now laughing with her at every breakfast, lunch and dinner time.

This morning she happily greeted the newspaper lady delivering her favourite “Jawa Pos”, the lady said “good morning, Ibu, you look radiant again”. She also had a short chat with her front neighbour about rain, cats and plants.

I think sometimes you just need to meet someone to be healthy. 💗

Yesterday morning I joined her watering the plants and took pictures of some of the blooms that have always made us all smile.


java tea — we call it “kumis kucing” here
jasmine sambac, everlasting fragrance — her favourite
zinnia, the humble beauty
white bougainvillea, the tough beauty
orchids at the left side of the gate — “your sister is a good gardener, she has made your orchids happily bloom!” she said
the one at the other side
the one squeezed between leaves

Why Space & Time

The depth of silence is
As deep
As ocean of possibilities.
Shaken, the ocean will splash
Drops of gifts.

Time once revealed
When the gifts will appear.
It once said
There is a moment in time.

Space once revealed
Where the gifts will arrive.
It once said
There is a point in space.

Spacetime once revealed
Why the gifts will engender.
It once said
There are reasons in life:
Unfortunately wrapped
In colours and shapes,
Often times disguising things:
A crow into a dove,
A wolf into a sheep,
A dumpsite into a garden,
A villainess into a heroine,
An evil witch into a kind queen,
Bent into straight—
Misleading this traveler’s direction.

Once it was said
There is
That she will find
Somewhere some time only if
She minds.

Dear, Light.
You can reveal
True colours
True shapes
True hearts
True reasons.

Be deeply silent
Even in the crowd
Where ocean of possibilities
Is shaken
In this spacious time.

The gift is relatively fair, Beloved.
Be ready.


when window nook is ready for daydreaming, no book, no paper, no gadget – just her welcoming gifts

Time Zones

Time zones, Beloved,
Limit spaces with blurred ends.
Illusion that jails.

One hour makes things different.

Dear, time…. Thanks for the space you just gave for what’s called holiday. Please bless me with nice pace and good vibe again and again like always.

If I forget about your kindness, please remind me gently as I’m fragile. If I take you for granted, please remind me that I’m traveling between your two points: start and end.

Thanks again.

Me that is blessed with both negative and positive yet trying to balance at the zero ❣️

illusion that jails – time zones
sky is the limit – love?

Time Is Uniquely Experienced

Breathing in
Breathing out
The air is flowing
Pumping freshness to the blood
Pushing the recyclable out.

Time units are agreed.
If passed, something is overdone.
If missed, something is given up.
If right on, moment is created.

Breath is my chosen time unit
That I prudently save
Between two points
That I travel in.

How many will I take?
I don’t even know
Or how many have I taken?
I’ve lost count.

It’s as accurate as your digital timepiece,
Or as elegant as your mechanical winding.
Our time is as precious,
Yet we count with different tools.

Don’t ask me to walk faster
Just because you run.
Don’t tell me to stay put
Just because you sit.

Life is short
Yet expensive to lament
If we don’t cross the path,
It’s simply because of
Simple word:
Fate sometimes doesn’t seem to fit.
Whose decision?
I don’t know.
I’ll just breathe
Until the sun moves in reverse.


Back to work very soon 😎

breathing in beauty, breathing out peace

Rendezvous! Whoohoo!

A rendezvous
Pouring some unmet words—
It’s a rendezvous
Exchanging stories,
Laughing at saved jokes,
Frowning on some questions to answer.
A true moment
Capped with
An “Au revoir!”




a treat for a happy first day on our first official day after more than 2 years working from home – thanks, buddy! 🥳


Perfect, Beloved
Indication of moments,
Not about others—


I thought there was perfection but then life showed me that the only thing truly modified by the word perfect is time or in some situation called moment. Other than those two creatures are never essentially perfect, they are perfect through some agreed points of view.

When it is over, it is perfectly done – time is up. When it is cut, it is perfectly completed – time is up.

And I accept a “time is up” sincerely or forcefully. A let go. A move on. A celebration. A moment to remember. A memory to save.

Oh life…. A set of perfect moments you are!

Thank you!

how do you hide imperfect look? make it black and white, that’s exactly what some human beings do to judge others – black, white — or, slice the thing, don’t see big picture and perfection is as if there 🧐

Singapore – Apr. 19, 2022 / 21:03

Masa-Masa (A Song That Believes in Time)

Time’s a messenger
Telling her what is waiting
In every milestone—
Her comrades, trees and water
Read the signs to reach the home.


Some peoples are born laid-back with all the gifts from Mother Nature. Life make them realise nature is as tough as it is rich and so those peoples shape their bodies as hard as rock, their muscle wire, their bones iron, their mind clear water, their intention straight arrow. Time is the witness. Time is Messenger. Time will not betray human beings who work hard and pray.

I’m thankful to be born in a rich archipelago and re-born repeatedly among hardworking peoples.

Weekend, Weekend…. Washing, ironing, cooking— repeated milestones, be patient.




A strand of white pearls
Harvested in the deep sea
Bedazzles her neck.


There is time when I regret of what’s done and nervous about what will happen. Why did I do that? I should have done this. What if I fail again? I am not good enough.

I used to think money was everything with happiness but I prove that money is the biggest illusion in life that I misunderstood. Now I consider money should be merely a tool, never a purpose. Yet I still think of what if my company stock price decreases? 😁

I used to look for happiness and protection in a relationship. With experiences I become strongly convinced that only a healthy relationship with the self can help me cope with problems; moreover, without healthy relation with my self any relationship with others won’t work well. Yet I still don’t heal from broken heart easily and still think whether or not I will meet someone I can share some simple happiness and shelter with.

I was between life and death situations more than once for some illness before, and so helpless about future. And gradually I realise that death can come anytime even when people are healthy. Yet I still hope I die when I let go of any confusion and live in clarity.

However, there is time when I know that only in the now I can accept everything. In the now I can shed tears with mixture of gratefulness for what’s breaking my heart and blessings of what’s boosting the quality of life. In the now I can smile just by seeing piling laundry waiting for ironing. In the now I can see the canvas is the door of self healing. In the now I can imagine sending a cake full of love for my loved ones who live in many different places, whom I cannot visit with many reasons. In the now I can see shades of real and true happiness in each and every experience from wake up to sleep.

Thank you for the now and now and now that form a strand of pearls called forever.

I live forever until the last now meets with the first now.

Al Fatihah to all of my loved ones across the oceans. I bless you happiness.


back on track, contemplating with colours
do things with love, the definition of love? enjoying good things to the fullest or, in bad time enjoying the process with patience 💝
thank you, Emily for the message 🪶🙏🏽