New Guest

Who are you, hooman.
Don't sleep here,
My bed.
I am new here.
Yours truly
Visiting cat.

on the bed – this cat belongs to my mother’s neighbour; she visits my mother’s home everyday leaving her 3 kittens screaming, she will run back home when she is full 😍 she even enjoys the bed for her before others can slumber at night 😌

on my lap – a mother sometimes needs a daughter’s lap — neko-chan!!! 😃

Good Days

I’m amazed
Of the days
Passing by like trees on a street marching fast when I ride a car,they’re forgotten.
But you came like a red tree bending down
Telling me “Stop! I remember you.”

I’m amazed
Of the days
Passing by like white clouds in the sky swimming when I look up, they’re adored.
But you came like silver cloud sprinkling light
Telling me “Yess…. We will meet again.”

I’m amazed
Of the days
Passing by like regrets deep
down in this heart when seeing a name, it’s untouched.
But you came like a saint forgiving me
Telling me “Take care and be safe.”


I remember that day when I took care of 2 dogs in a construction site near my office — now they both are relocated to other construction sites 💕

a very good friend said he remembered that I used to visit dorms whose residents took care of some dogs — I’m glad that someone remembers me that way 🙏🏼 thank you so much

I am not taking care of dogs anymore, but only donate to no-killing dog shelters where stray dogs have their days free as dogs without abuse and starvation — may all dogs be happy 💕 and may the one reminding me of a good memory with the two dogs near my office be happy

sincerely ♥️


Dear, oh
You came from
Destroying my scores!

No wonder the soundtrack of my stories
Became messy.

Go eat fish,
My sheets won’t suffice your belly.

Cat has no logic,
Only fun.


i used to live with a rescue cat, i named him Bob; he was more interested in tearing my paper apart or sitting on my laptop to playing with his toy or sleeping on my bed 💝

Bob in his dream of being my boss 😁 back in 2010

may all beings be happy 🙏🏼

Being Human

I thought I am kind
But no,
Dogs are kinder.
I thought I am strong
But no,
Dogs rock my heart.
I thought I am me
But not
Dogs know who they are,
They live as dogs
As they are.
I live as what I want to be,
When being inhumane human
Is what gives me benefits.


watched this movie in today’s flight and cried — how dogs’ life is more genuine than mine🙏🏼

Haw! 💝

Be A Dog

Excitement rises.
A dog runs after food bag
Full of dental sticks.

If you don’t feel good, walk a dog and run with it when it runs for food. You’ll feel a real excitement. Trust me.

Wishing to feel good every single second like a happy dog. 😁 Prepare good saving of energy!

😁 Vietnam dog is exactly the same as other dogs: toys, food and other dogs

Little Bird

Hi, little bird. Befriend with your wings which look weak but bring you freedom. Befriend with your feet which look twiggy but hold you balanced. Befriend with your feathers which look light but give you warmth. Befriend with your eyes which look dark but show you pixels others can’t enjoy. Befriend with your tiny beak to sing only happy songs because sad songs are only for you when you’re with a trusted circle — hush! Untrusted flock will spill your sad stories everywhere to make themselves happy and feel important, and that will make you even sadder. Sing, perch, fly and enjoy your life responsibly freely.

Look, little bird. The sun shines brightly giving hopes to the heliotropic, while the air is yours through its pressurising differently every moment you move. Enjoy every second that you can capture, no matter what. Sing!

“I’m little bird, oh little bird in a short pretty life. I’m little bird, oh little bird in a realm of colours. I’m little bird, oh little bird, oh me.” 🪶

Have a wonderful weekend!


found one beautiful photo of a lil bird in Instagram and couldn’t stop the temptation to put it on my humble media 🪶

Singapore – Apr. 16, 2022 / 21:47

Across Rainbow Bridge

Across rainbow bridge,
Wings bring a tiny light up
High to where it glows.


I’m surrounded by animal lovers and rescuers. Every now and then I see how they struggle with animals in pain or death. It’s not easy each time those friends have to say good bye but at the same time they learn again and again that the best end is by releasing sincerely and being released sincerely.

Happy journey, Dear. Thanks for all the lessons you have taught us.

Alfatihah 💝🙏🏼

bye, Item; see you across the bridge 🥰 alfatihah 💝

Ant Nest

Ant nest hills up high
A place for a colony
To devote in life


Ants are amazing creature. All about them are just amazing! The way they distribute the work. The way they do their jobs. The way they live in a community. The way they treat fellow and leaders (obviously the queens). The way they collect their food. The way they kill their preys, etc, etc just the way ants are.

To survive ants must live in a colony that can be inside trees or underground. In the colony that they respect and protect they devote their life with extraordinary loyalty. Loyal to their queens. Loyal to their fellow ants. Loyal to their responsibility—

Ants might be small but they amazingly are able to carry something of 10 to 50 times their own body weight!

Ants can swim! I can’t understand why my mom would put a bowl of sweet in a plate filled with water; she said ants wouldn’t reach the sweet because they couldn’t cross the water. Ibuuuuu! Ants swim. Maybe better than us 😂

Ants are slave makers! This is very new to me! Excerpted article (

This may sound strange but hear us out. Some species of ant, such as the Polyergus lucidus are known as slave-making ants. They invade neighboring ant colonies, capturing its inhabitants and forcing them to work for them. This process is known as ‘slave raiding’.

Slave-making ants are specialized to parasite a single species or a group of related species which are often close relatives to them. The captured ants will work as if they were in their own colony, while the slave-making workers will only concentrate on replenishing their labor force.

Slave-making ants come in two formats: permanent social parasites and facultative slave-makers. Permanent social parasites rely on the enslaved ants throughout their lives whilst facultative slave-makers do not.

Which ants are you? Regardless, I built an ant nest for all of you 😁

the “ant nest cake” aka “bolu sarang semut” in Bahasa Indonesia is named after its texture that looks like ant nest structure. It tastes heaven! 🥰
look at the tunnels and chambers in the ant nest! not bad for a beginner 😁
hot brown ring of first “sarang semut” of mine
put the wok lid when the bubbles intensify
I found that we can replace oven with a wok! Magic? No! Just a technicality 😁
caramelizing the sugar, hot as hell!!!


Laughing, Beloved,
Throwing up positive vibes,
Burning some sadness,
Growing positivity—
We can do it everyday.


What can I do constantly in life but laughing? How funny this life is! How ironic life is! How entertaining life is! How fun life is! How miserable life is! How mysterious life is! How enjoyable life is! Laughing takes all, just try to improvise the laughing style to suit each situation.

A friend called and the topic of most of my chats are stupid things. This time we laughed at how funny emotional rollercoaster is. Sometimes she feels that she is at the peak of consciousness and that’s why she feels so calm and peaceful until someone sends her a picture or tags her in a social media posting then she realises that calmness explodes to buried anger.

I can’t even remember what made us burst into laughter from one story to another. We just thought sadness is sometimes funnier than happiness. Or maybe we simply think happiness is able to materialise itself into any form.

I always love to laugh. Maybe I was a kookaburra bird in one of my past life if I had one. Oooh how I miss Australia! 🦘

Salaam…. 😏

How – ranting

I’m almost 50?
Gosh! Am I that near to what is called half a century? it gives me goosebump!
What have I done?
To my beloved parents?
To my beloved sisters?
To my beloved brothers?
To my friends?
To my country?
To humanity?

To myself?

Last month I visited a good friend and found more things about her. She has done so much in her life.
She helped me and her colleagues grow professionally.
She did many things to help people in her industry.
She did so much to her mother especially when her mother was in the deathbed.
She travels to see many places.
She plays piano.
She plays violin.
She plays golf.
She hangs out with friends.
She read spiritual books.
She always comes up with solutions of problems around her.
She dedicates her life to humanity.
She does many many things that I can even only imagine I can do with my mini courage.

Once I told her “My Friend, I think you will not regret your life when you die.”

And she said “You’re right, Rike. I won’t regret my life when I die. I will die happy because I’ve lived happily.”

She said to me, “Be happy. Do something that you have wanted to do but you haven’t. Hey, what about taking music classes?”

Going out from her apartment, I could not stop thinking of what I should do to make my life meaningful for myself and for those I love that I leave when I die.

Life is short and I’ve gotta do something.

Thanks, my Friend for being an inspiration to me.

I will die happy because I’ve lived happily.

Singapore – April 29, 2018 – 02:39

The picture below is of Fifi (the black and white) and Chocho (the ginger), kittens in my Mom’s home. Chocho died of suffering for his back on April 23, 2018 at around 11:15am Jakarta time. Thank you, Chocho for telling me over and over again that you lived happily and died happy. Thank you, my dear kitten. See you across the rainbow bridge….


A Visit To Moppy & Friends

Last weekend I went to Jakarta to meet our beloved fellow creature named Moppy. He is a dog to whom my love will always flow even later when he is gone. He’s survived a cancer — not surviving by curing but let me tell you that he is still alive although with a very painful wound in one part of his plane. He is though strong enough to survive for more than one year after he was rescued.

And, I always miss him wherever I am….
Last Saturday night we visited him.
He was sleeping very soundly. Oh, my Moppy boy. You are still there!
I know you bear the pain because you love your very mother, the sweet lady who is always there for you.

Moppy is ok, not really ok but he is struggling. And no plan to put him to sleep…. He might have been put to sleep if he is not living where he is living now. Moppy is just stubborn to live his cancer…. 🙂

Moppy is still happy. Eating very well. Wagging his tail when meeting human surrounding him.

Moppy, I love you!!!

And when he saw me…. He looked happy…. Nothing I can say but “Hey dude, how are you?”

And, he said “I am ok, you see I survive longer than you predicted. Gotcha!”

I wanted to sing for him but it was late night…. Nobody wanted to hear my tunes. Then I just sang in my heart, looking at his eyes talking to him.

Moppy is now skinnier.
I just pray he is ok.
As ok as he is now when he decides to leave.
Don’t wait.
Please don’t wait.
Let go. Please let go.
We love you wherever you are. You are always loved.

If we don’t meet in my next visit, I’m ok and you should be, too.
Just go…. As you’ll welcome all of us in the next gate.

Moppy, I love you….


Singapore – May 31, 2016 – 1:19am

Animal Abuser in Jakarta

Some people are very insecure, they’re afraid of sharing this world with other creatures then they start to show their selfishness by hunting and killing animals that should not be killed.

My dear friend, Jojo Lin, a stray cat feeder cum rescuer just shared with me a very sad story….

One guy riding a bike with two vicious dogs unleashed are hunting for stray cats to kill. His reason is to get rid of stray cats from the housing complex that according to him the population is soaring. He didn’t want to listen when my Friend explain that her activity includes spaying cats to control the population in the area…. This stupid idiot just does not want to listen, he even came with the leader of community (Ketua RT in Bahasa Indonesia).

One cat died this morning by a car accident when this little poor thing tried to save life from the raging dogs and the guy on the bike. Please be in peace, Mimot. Your life will be remembered and your death will be a pedestal to keep us survive to help other cats like you. Blessings to Mimot….. Your life is never a waste, buddy. You leave a lot of love and lessons to many.

We are planning to report this to Jakarta governor, Ahok Basuki Cahaya Purnama so that he can highlight that all animals should have the right to get good life in Jakarta and that animal welfare should be promoted and maintained from now own including giving the support to animal rescuers that do the right things (not them who just collect animals in cage losing the real nature of animals), promote appropriate causes pf animal welfare and educate people about animal welfare.

Fyi, this cruelty happened this very morning in the around Kebun Jeruk, West Jakarta. Below is the picture of the cruel guy, very blurred because my friend tooke picture from a distance and with big fear as he is kind of threatening her for helping the stray cats in the area.

We will follow up this seriously.

Singapura – November 10, 2015 – 08:35am

Bed of Death

I never deny that I was afraid of death. I don’t know what will happen after death. Will there by heaven and hell? Am I going to hell and how long will I stay there? Oh gosh! It really makes me crazy.

Religion says there will be judgement to put me to fire or garden of Eden. And, this doctrine is still haunting me; less often now though. Some others say that there will be another a recycled karma, I’ve gotta go back to life to repay what’s not done in current portion. Some others say nothing will happen after death, just nothing — I don’t even know what they mean by nothing. Some others say they don’t care…. There might be the others that say things we never know.

Many of my friends passed away, in many different modes: sick, old age, killed, accident….

If I may choose what my bed of death, I will say at home with someone I know and they know what’s death trully is, not people who pretend knowing what it is…. A real bed of death.

Why am I talking about death?

I remember some sweet animals in their beds of death, they know they are weakening but they are struggling. Bima the cat, Moppy the dog and many more cats and dogs…. They struggle and fight to survive from the violence od human beings and from their old age and sickness under human’s good treatment.

For the cats and dogs and other animals struggling to survive from human beings’ violence, please be strong and be patient…. I pray that you are in the right path and you know it. Please, please, please radiate good energy. Please don’t be afraid of death like I was. Death is a gate, a true gate to meet the beloved before transitting to a better space.

I know bed of death is not always a bed surrounded by beloved ones but please please please know that you are all surrounded by angels flapping their wings like a group of colibri…. Happily singing songs of love and peace welcoming their soul leaving the earthy life.

Bima the cat, you can choose what you want. Leaving or staying won’t give you pain at all…. It is a path of learning, learning to let go of loved ones. Like you, I’m learning to do and still fail while you succeed….


Moppy the dog, hello there…. I miss you who struggle to survive there in Jakarta with your beloved family. I hope we can meet again before you leave…. Just let go, boy. We just love you wherever you are.


Bed of death…. Now it is below those beloved rescued animals.
Next time, it will be below me….

Bed of Death, you may come. But please give me time to pay all my debts.

Salaam, Bed of Death.

Remembrance of Bed of Death, Temasek – October 15, 2015 – 12:32am

Blacky and Amie

I support animal lovers and rescuers by praying for them or when I’m able I’d like to donate or accompany them to take care of those animals. But honestly I mostly support them from a distance…. The lowest level of caring but the best I can.

About two weeks ago a friend of mine texted me to pray for Blacky, a little cutie pie that was suffering from vomitting after every meal of his. Blacky, a black-with-white-spots kitten was waiting for exchanging blessings with me.

This is Blacky, when he was up and around.

Blacky was transported by his mommy named Amie by bus for about 3 hours. What a lovely journey for Blacky and Amie the mommy….! To get him cured. Vet said that Blacky suffered from kidney disfunction. Or, at least that was the result after some examination by the vet plus X-Ray.

Blacky and mommy Amie

Mommy had to go home to Tangerang, Banten because she had to work. But Blacky ought to stay — he was exhausted and needed some rest because of Tangerang – Jakarta trip and his sickness. Then it was decided to put Blacky in an animal clinic in Kemang.

IMG_2884IMG_2888IMG_2887 Blacky with siblings — all those sweet creatures

Blacky was not getting better. He kept vomitting and decided to leave, he was departing to the land across beautiful ocean. On his last day he ate a little and got positive energy support from another friend of mine. But Blacky really wanted to leave. He was happy and still is now.

Blacky felt the love of mommy Amie and thanked the Universe for sending her to take care of him in his very short life span. He was serving himself as a cat and it was his best serviceat that time. He would love to serve a better role in his next span of life and the Universe already grants his wish.

He will be borne as a boy or a girl who gets so much love…. Namaste….
He will be borne as a boy or a girl who is raised by loving and caring parents…. Namaste.
He is blessed and giving blessings.

Breastfed together to mommy cat

Thank you Blacky for being present in my life although we never met face to face…. I feel the love of yours and mommy Amie’s love.

Please be safe in your trip to your better future. Til we meet again….

Jalan Putri Hijau, Medan – October 2, 2015 – 12:23am

Animal Rescuers – Meowy Cat Shelter, Penang

I’m in Penang. Again.
It’s gonna be a fun day tomorrow – going for a durian party with my team to Balik Pulau. But it’s not the most impressive of my current trip. The tiptop of my gratitude is meeting with two animal rescuers: Pauline and Alexis, both are from Meowy Cat Shelter.

I saw one kitten cry desperately in front of hotel when I got back from a meeting but I could not rescue it because I was not allowed to go into the room with any pet so I browsed the Net to find any cat lover community in the island but failed. I called a friend – who is afraid of cat – to ask if she could recommend me to a cat lover, expectedly failed. Another friend, failed as well. Then I sent one short message to a random contact I got from the Net saying that I saw a cat bla bla bla…. – no reply. I decided to go up to my room, while the cat was frightened and hid under a white car parked exclusively next to the wheelchair ramp. It was a sad moment – not being able to help a helpless creature.

One of my friends unexpectedly iMessage-d me that she was parking her car in front of hotel lobby to get the kitten to her house before being delivered to SPCA in Jelutong. So, I flew downstairs meeting her hoping that the kitten was still there. I brought a bag for a rescue preparation.

But it wasn’t there, the car was also gone. The security guard who also saw the kitten told me that he’d tried his best to seek but in vain…. I patrolled around the hotel and apartment complex for the baby – no appearance. So, I asked her to leave because it was already 10:00pm, while she should have taken care of her family after work.

Surprisingly, my SMS to the random contact was replied saying “Please contact Alexis, I’m not in Penang right now. She’ll take the kitten. Meanwhile, if possible please smuggle the cat into the room until Alexis arrives. Thanks, Pauline.”

I told her that the kitten was nowhere to find. But she said “Find or not, please contact Alexis. We are from Meowy Cat Shelter…. You can find us in Facebook.”

A long conversation through Whatsapp happened afterwards, ended in an appointment to meet up in my next trip to Penang.

I also called Alexis twice telling her what was happening, I promised her to contact her if I see the kitten and even bring to her as long as I find it before I leave to Singapore on Friday.

This trip I might get a bit of despair because of not being able to 100% solve one particular case but I can feel a bit of joy of meeting beautiful souls like Pauline and Alexis above….

Life is offering a balance between yin and yang, even in a very simple way so no need to feel so dearly scared of not being able to smoothly move on (= on single piece of thin hair).

Thank you dear Lil’ Kitten for connecting me with Pauline and Alexis during this limbo.

I hope I can meet you oye kitten, Pauline and Alexis. God bless you!

Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 11.52.18 pm

Penang – June 15, 2015 – 11:59pm

Playing With Mom

I took pictures of some orangutans in Semenggoh Wild Center, Kuching, Malaysia – adult and young and got causght by this particular pose. Not really a pose made but let’s call it a pose — one orangutan mother was having lunch with her toddler. So playful and fun – yet nobody of the spectators expressed their excitement with sounds. All were smiling and some children were making very soft giggles (normal to loud voice would alert orangutans to go away). Just enough to know that we all felt the joy of witnessing the loving bond between mom and kid some 50 meters away of us.

Lesson I learnt: how ugly and silly your mom is, she is still the most understanding human on earth so never give her up. And, how ugly and silly your child is, s/he is still the most adorable one so don’t let him/her down.


Changi Airport – May 30, 2015 – 12:12pm

Frog – A Transformation

So many years that butterfly is a symbol of transformation has been ingrained in my blood. From egg to caterpillar to cocoon then beautiful winged soft insect has been a cycle from a tiny little nothing to flying colors.

What about a frog?

Egg (Amplexus) then tadpole to froglet then frog
Isn’t that a cycle of transformation, too?

Yes, it indeed is.

But… What beauty can we extract from being a frog? Wait! It’s way too early to say no quality in a frog.

Frog is a sign of Spring — when life begins. Frog sings very loudly, invigorating the air of night, welcoming Summer.

A frog is a froglet losing its tail. What is tail for a frog, he doesn’t need (to) tail anymore. A frog is mature enough to take its way without tail(gating). So, are you a frog or a froglet?

And, a frog is one independent evolved egg that is able in detaching itself from the cluster wrapping thousands of eggs and escaping from the fish and other water predators. Ohlala…. You are a successful individual when reaching frog phase.

A frog is a froglet transforming from a water body to live in both water and land and ready to breed. It represents someone able to find the core of reality — being a physical cum spiritual being. Both needs to be developed and maintained; they weave and knit together to generate “haute couture” in a life time of a developed spirit. Balaced Yin and Yang: This happens as part of a frog’s being, our being.


So, human being transforms not only like a butterfly but possibly also like a frog….

Which do you choose as your picturesque analogy? You choose.

It’s just a thought pouring down in the middle of the night before a short sleep welcoming a new day.

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Singapura – May 19, 2015 – 1:07am

It’s About New Life.

And, when your soul is weary and asking what is to keep this life worthwhile? Listen to this song, and sing along….

Lyric below:

masshiro na yukimichi ni harukaze kaoru
watashi wa natsukashii
ano machi wo omoidasu

kanaetai yume mo atta
kawaritai jibun mo ita
ima wa tada natsukashii
ano hito wo omoidasu

dareka no uta ga kikoeru
dareka wo hagemashiteru
dareka no egao ga mieru
kanashimi no mukougawa ni

hana wa hana wa saku
itsuka umareru kimi ni
hana wa hana wa saku
watashi wa nani wo nokoshita darou

yozora no mukou no
asa no kehai ni
watashi wa natsukashii
ano hibi wo omoidasu

kitsutsuite kitsutsukete
mukuwarezu naitari shite
ima wa tada itooshii
ano hito wo omoidasu

dareka no omoi ga mieru
dareka to musubareteru
dareka no mirai ga mieru
kanashimi no mukougawa ni

hana wa hana wa saku
itsuka umareru kimi ni
hana wa hana wa saku
watashi wa nani wo nokoshita darou

hana wa hana wa saku
itsuka umareru kimi ni
hana wa hana wa saku
watashi wa nani wo nokoshita darou

hana wa hana wa saku
itsuka umareru kimi ni
hana wa hana wa saku
itsuka koisuru kimi no tame ni

Singapura – May 18, 2015 – 1:09am