
Ayutthaya greets
A heart that sings a love song.
A wat witnesses.


from 2010 to 2012 Thailand was my playground esp in the area of food processing , from 2013 up to now is for electronic mostly in Ayutthaya — Sala Ayutthaya is always my favourite here, thank you…. 😘

Time To Pray (ranting)

While writing this, I am spending some time in Erawan Shrine before going to Svarnabhum Airport. I am now witnessing the power of storytelling. Soon I will be back to the hotel just next to it to pick up my luggage then go home.

My head is now ranting:

You can make religion and spirituality good commodity through story telling. Tell people that through your piousity and spirituality you will help them solve their problems or be close to gods or be happy or get their wishes come true; they will come to you with or without believing whether you are true or not. Don’t tell them they should pay as it is contra productive. Just tell them there will be energy exchange so logistics should be co-financed.

It is great and amazing that tourism is designed that way.

When will mosques ask visitors to pay? If they do, they’d better have a good storytelling more than cleaning cost. If not, that is great.

Don’t get me wrong, I am one of those believing with the power of religiosity and spirituality that solve life mystery. With one condition: if told in a wise and sweet way and told by a reliable person. Otherwise, they’d better eat their own sh*t (sh*t can be a lot of money from those being fooled around by them); don’t expect karma as they believe what they do is all right.

God bless gods. God bless all shrines, temples, churches, mosques, etc where people are praying. God bless storytelling.

God bless Erawan Shrine to where I will be back until I stop visiting Bangkok heaven knows when.


the one prayed to – i love gold!
concise introduction, the gate of a storytelling
pray, human to the gold-plated
queue, human; your turn will come soon
gate where flowers and offerings are sold; it is the ticket to pray!
i love the purple garland and the cute elephants
logistics behind the scene #1; God bless you
logistics behind the scene #2; God bless you
no, no! politicians can’t wait, your problems can 💔

Feel Good No Matter What

The room becomes bright
With two smiles under dim light.
Feel good with good sight.


I met a good friend and he could not stop talking about how hard it has been for him to feel good behind his (nice) smile. He said that he is constantly in stress of silent competition at work or in loneliness far away from family. He said that people around him seem unhappy to see others happy.

Me: Normal! It happened to me when I was young. Getting older, it is easier to accept what is.

GF: You did compete? Unbelievable! You seem to have neither ambition to excel nor spirit to live. Low profile, high product yuck! Your motto sucks!

Me: I did lightly. You’re still young so just enjoy your competitiveness and being away from family. Make more friends and only one girlfriend. Some day you will be where I am now when nothing is worth chasing except cockroach to kill.

GF: So you feel good all the time?

Me: Most of the time only, not all the time lah… I am not a Barbie doll.

GF: Meaning you never have problem?

Me: Do I look like not having problem?

GF: I know you have problems and are sometimes upset about people.

Me: Ya, I do have problems. People confront me. I confront people. But I minimise blaming others. Most thing if not everything is about me making incorrect decisions. I am sometimes very very unhappy about others, too. I act boldly occasionally to show boundary.

GF: And you still can feel good when you are not happy?

feel good is contagious

Me: Yes, I have a lot of distractions ready: work, books, orchids, painting, people although mostly not them, biking, cooking. End the unhappy time fast.

GF: How?

Me: Distract yourself. Flip the coin to the other side. And remember feel good is contagious. At least you don’t look gloomy when you feel good.

GF: So how do you think I should feel good when my colleague stabs me in the back?

Me: Feel good that it is not you stabbing people in their back. Thank God for showing the real friends to you.

GF: Argh! I want to punch his face!

Me: Ouch! Will it make you feel good?

GF: Maybe, but makes me look not good, then makes me feel not good.

Me: Wow! You master it already!

GF: But don’t you realise some people will get offended even when we feel good and do things as we are? They think we are insensitive. They think we are ridiculing them.

Me: Why care? You only need your approval to do something that makes you feel good, with one condition: that you do it without intension of offending or hurting others.

GF: If they get offended?

Me: I…. Don’t…. Care….

GF: Okaaaaaay! Hey! How is the food?

Me: Not so good 😩 The worst tom yum on earth!

GF: Agree. So is it because you are not able to appreciate the food? And how do you minimise blaming others in this case?

Me: Of course I blame the chef! You think I am his mother? Let’s not be back to this restaurant again.

GF: 😂😂😂

Lessons learnt: stay away from chatty friends when hungry, be relaxed when talking to young men as they explode easily, find a good restaurant or cook your own tom yum, get older without grudge, avoid those disrespecting you, laugh joyfully

see you again, Bangkok! thank you for bringing me this funny friend and the APEC meeting 2022 😩 both make me feel like a good human being: acting wise to one and waking up early because of the other 😊

Who Is Your Best Friend?

Who is your best friend?
MacBook, iPad or iPhone?
Internet it is!

I can’t deny my % of interaction with outside of my body recently is through machines activated by Internet. Hope 2021 will bring the “real life” back to normal: when I do the job normally meeting people kindly at the same time evaluating honestly, when I can travel to home country to meet good friends and to favourite countries to absorb good energy, when I can smile to others without waving hand because of wearing face mask, when eating out is not limited except by the operation hours not by physical distancing, when things are natural.

‘m still happy though as Life has given so big a gift every now and then. I have family who love me and friends who accompany me in high and low. I work in a company that takes care of me very very well. All with the Beloved’s bless and love

So, I am still ok to be MacBooks, iPad and iPhone’s best friend for the next some months.

May all beings be happy.

Time’s Bringing Good Acts – haiku

Time’s bringing good acts.
Places add good vibes to it.
How I miss your peace.

Singapore – May 25, 2020 / 22:29


I miss two places the most right now: Bali and Ayutthaya. Once this circuit breaker is exited, those two will be my destination.

May all beings be happy.


Golden Triangle- haiku

Her head cracked of sun.
Water boiled, blown by cool breeze —
Golden Triangle

Temasek – September 19, 2016 – 11:30pm


Picture borrowed from http://www.fnetravel.com/english/chiangraihotels/anantara-resort-and-spa-golden-triangle.html


Circle – haiku

Moving a circle,
Connecting two dots: She is
Making a Zen Art.



I am the one holding Zen Art T-shirt and Zen Art painting. The smiling lady is the artist – the one making the Zen Art.

Chiang Mai, Thailand – September 16, 2016 – 00:30am



(negeri ini murah dan ramah)

Ketika saya berkunjung ke negeri Siam tidak ada satu pun ketakutan kecuali bahwa ada rasis disana mengingat daerah Pattani yang penuh konflik. Bahkan karena petugas imigrasi berwajah galak tanpa senyum dan kesan pertama driver kami yang kurang baik, sehari di Bangkok bagai merasa “ihhh… kayaknya nggak enak nih”. Yang bisa menghibur adalah hotel yang bagus dan petugasnya yang menyenangkan dan penolong.

Hari kedua saya bertemu teman seperguruan disana dan melakukan lawatan pertama. Suasana menjadi agak cair karena tuan rumah kami sangat baik dalam hal membantu penyelesaian tugas maupun dalam menjamu kami. Pekerjaan menjadi lancar dan tepat waktu walau saya harus membaca huruf semacam hanacaraka (abjad Jawa) dengan tahun yang berbeda sekitar 543. Tahun 2011 adalah tahun 2554 menurut hitungan Thailand. Amazing, kalau kata Mas Thukul Arwana. Saya juga makin senang karena disuguhi tomyam goong yang rasanya jauh lebih uenak (enak sekali, Bahasa Jawa dialek Timur) dibanding yang pernah saya makan dimana-mana. Ingat ya, saya bayar lho bukannya gratis… J

Hari kedua suasana menjadi makin asyik. Saya belajar bahwa orang-orang Thailand ini memang sangat toleran dan berhati hangat. Selama hampir dua minggu disana saya diperlakukan jauh lebih baik daripada saudara serumpun memperlakukan saya. Justru di negeri gajah itu saya merasa lebih aman dibanding ketika saya bertandang ke negeri tetangga lain yang muslimnya lebih banyak; disana saya merasakan ketidaknyamanan karena sebagian orang yang saya temui sombongnya minta ampun…

Tapi yang bikin saya selalu ingin tertawa adalah hidung dan telinga babi yang dengan mudah ditemukan bergelantungan di berbagai tempat. Di tiap jalan Anda bisa menemukan makanan haram. Saya mengatakan haram bukan karena saya menganggapnya buruk. Ini hanya semata mengacu pada agama Islam yang mempredikati beberapa jenis makanan dengan kata tersebut. Seringkali teman saya bilang “You don’t eat pork, right? So, I’ll order chicken for you.” Itu dia lakukan di restoran yang menjual babi. J

Ada lagi masa dimana saya melihat papan-papan petai bergelantungan lalu saya menarik tangan saudara seperguruan ke restoran itu hanya untuk menemukan bahwa hidung dan telinga itu berjajar rapi menunggu disajikan dalam berbagai masakan.

Seandainya saya bukan seseorang (yang mengaku) muslim mungkin saya sudah gemas ingin memakan hidung dan telinga itu. Atau bisa juga tidak karena saya bisa menjadi vegetarian. Tapi percaya atau tidak, selama saya di Thailand saya tidak pernah merasa tidak nyaman walau beberapa teman berpesan “awas makanan haram, Ke”. Saya tidak terganggu dengan keharaman yang ada di sekitar saya karena mudah penyelesaiannya: ya jangan dikonsumsi, toh bisa menggunakan studio (dapur kecil, Bahasa Inggris) di serviced hotel (hotel berfungsi ganda sebagai apartemen) tempat saya menginap untuk memasak apapun yang saya suka.

Di negeri yang penuh dengan hidung, telinga, kaki, perut, iso, usus dan semua organ binatang yang (nggak tahu kenapa dibilang) haram itu saya justru merasakan subhanallah (maha suci tuhan, Bahasa Arab) kehangatan berteman, keamanan bertetangga dan kelezatan makanan.

Semoga orang-orang yang berbuat baik dan berhati hangat senantiasa mendapatkan keberkahan hidup. Amin…

Temasek, 27 Juli 2011 – 2:35 sore

Tentang Thailand