Self Love Or Selfish?

Self love or selfish?
A striking question to me
From me about me.
The answer hangs up the call
Coming from behind my head.


Singapore, October 26, 2020 - 9:45pm

Arid Land, His Heart

I never want to hurt myself, I just didn’t know who you are.
I got hurt by a cactus in a desert
Who pricks little fingers,
Who just want to touch this life softly,
Not hurting, not taking anything away.

Wounded, I decided to blame stupidity:
Why did I have to have to have to have to have to just touch cacti? I should have left that arid land long before I touched a prickly spirit.

A delayed regret is less important than a lesson learned but it always gives a story the most significant pivot.

I’ll just admire from here
From where I stand
With millions of prayers
For a secret journey.
Yet I know you are a ghost days and nights.

Someday when I pour down the rain,
You’ll know.
Love is as sweet as water in drought—
If it is not late....

May all beings be happy.

Can Wind Vanish, Love – haiku

Can Wind vanish, Love?
Look how pressurised we’ve been!
Just give me soft Breeze.

Singapore – Jun. 18, 2020 / 21:30


Sometimes you wonder why the wind blows all the hopes. Sometimes you want strong wind to dry your sweat. Sometimes you are longing for soft, nice breeze to accompany you in a solo journey. Nothing is permanent….

May all beings be happy.
