Rejection vs Ignorance – chatting

A cute conversation in a weekend happened when two besties missed each other. The convo went well until a topic came up.

Friend 1: What is worse than being rejected?

Friend 2: What is worse than being rejected?

Friend 1: Being ignored.

Friend 2: Are you teasing me? I’ve known it from the beginning.

Friend 1: Why did you let yourself be ignored then? You’re doomed. What a stupid move.

Friend 2: I didn’t prepare ignorance, I prepared rejection. But I learnt my lesson.

Friend 1: Lesson? What subject? (might be saying while smirking)

Friend 2: Distance-speed-time formula (whatever one wanted to say)

Friend 1: Hmm…. Seems that you already master it now.

Friend 2: Pretty much.

Friend 1: So?

Friend 2: So what?!

Friend 1: Oops. Sorry. You learnt your lesson, I know. Don’t trust that type of subject. Don’t be naive ever again !@#$%^&*()_+!

Friend 2: !@#$%^&*()_+!

Then both laughed together. That’s what friends are for – tasting each other’s bitterness, ridiculing each other’s foolishness and throwing worst wisdom to each other’s nose.

Through the FaceTime audio


Thank you for the picture to: 

Hero – song

This song by Mariah Carey, Hero has been a good earplug for me. Been feeling so tired of my own self – being not confident with all what I called weaknesses. Until I found that points of weakness are where our strenghts stand out. Enjoy…. ❤

There’s a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don’t have to be afraid
Of what you are
There’s an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It’s a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don’t let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time
You’ll find the way

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you’ll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you



Singapore – May 22, 2017 – 00:45

Angkor Wat – old city

I visited Angkor Wat, Siem Reap of Cambodia last week with three of my friends – Mbak Roh, Mbak Endang and Agnes. We did quasi backpacking – why quasi? Well, we decided to travel light – they flew AirAsia which tickets were purchased one year ago – but pack things in pretty luggage.

We stayed in a cheap inn of USD35.5 per night instead of fancy Park Hyatt or Le Meridien and took tuk-tuk everyday instead of rented car. It was a cool journey!

Some pictures captured show the joy! Enjoy!

Singapore – August 28, 2016 – morning….

Manusia – poem (bilingual)

Pilihlah jalan
Yang termudah
Untuk jadi manusia:
Indahnya tarikan nafas dan hirupan udara.

Kicauan burung lewat kupingmu.
Pijakan pada bumi di setiap langkah

Jika mata masih berguna,
Rasakan warna dengan matamu —
Yang muda cerlang
Atau yang tua merabun.
Rasakan saja.

Dan, kala rasa nyeri masih melingkar di hati
Demi melihat makhluk-makhluk terlunta-lunta
Tersiksa oleh yang berkuasa;
Rasakan dan lepaskan derita itu,
Bungkus dengan cinta dan pengampunan.
Dan, engkau manusia….

Mudah jadi manusia,
Welas asih.



Choose a path:
The easiest way
To become a human.
Feel it….
The beauty of breath with every inhaled air.

Feel it….
The chirps of birds through your ears.
Feel it….
The steps you hit on earth

If the eyes are still open,
Feel the colours with your eyes
Either young bright eyes
Or far/near-sighted ones;
Just feel.

And, if the pain is still there in the heart
To see the underprivileged creatures
Tortured by the privileged rankers;
Feel the pain and release it,
Wrapped in love and forgiveness.
And, you are human….

Easy ways
To be human, huh?


My human kind friends…. (Karel, Riduan, Sapto, Eko, Dinah) – Bravo, buddies!

Temasek – March 5, 2015 – 10:58pm


Sometimes you are tired of listening to friends who keep saying they are tired of walking down their life path.
Sometimes you are bored of listening to people who keep thinking they are the unluckiest ones on earth.
Sometimes you are just wondering what those people are talking about and you just say “uh-uh” at the end of every sentence they say.
Sometimes you are just smiling at the end of the table to confirm that they just want to be heard and not really care whether you are really listening or not.

That’s fine….
Life is about enjoying.
So, let’s enjoy the listening part.
Open the ears wide, and more than that HEART wide to suffice what those people are craving: to be listened, to be care.
Because they feel abandoned in their own life, in their own self…. Without realizing that they are feeling that way.

But, willingness doesn’t come easy. It sometimes gets dragged aside by weak body and heavy days…. So, forgive yourself for not listening to every whining and complaining….

Oh…. What a beautiful life! What a beautiful journey! I think I know why I am here.

If only I can tell them to listen to their own selves.


Penang – January 21, 2015 – 4:46am

Picture borrowed from

Why English?

I posted more writings in English recently compared with when I was in my dear old Multiply. Why? Am I Americanized or “Englished”? No, I am not – this heart is still so much Nusantara and Indonesian.

Moving to WordPress was a very no-choice-than-dead decision because Multiply was frozen by the owner so unfairly – well, it was their right and I respected them. And, the easiest way to move all my “belongings” is WordPress, in a way that most of fellow Multipliers gave comprehensive suggestion on how to transfer all writings to this blog site. Then so be it! I didn’t want to lose any single thing although I did — Some writings were just gone or simply disconnected from the links.

Another sad thing was I lost many of my contacts — some moved to other blog sites, others to Facebook, others to twitter and the others frustratingly stopped blogging. The ones moving to wordpress also haven’t shown active appearance. I have felt so lonely – alamak* too much an expression 🙂

The ones appearing in my Readers are all English speaking bloggers, very very rare Indonesian writings are there; and that’s why I decided to write and comment more in English to feel like really communicating. At the same time I have sought more Indonesian speaking bloggers to feel more homey – alamak* another too much an expression. But it’s real…. 🙂

I’ve met some recently and I think it’s time to express more in bi-lingual or Indonesian. Not an official decision though ha ha….

  • (alamak): exclamation word like gosh, darn


Akhir-akhir ini saya posting lebih banyak tulisan berbahasa Inggris dibanding dulu saat masih di Multiply. Kenapa sih? Sok Amrik atau sok Inggris? Nggak juga – hati ini masih Nusantara dan Indonesia banget.

Pindah ke WordPress adalah keputusan yang “nggak ada pilihan kecuali mati” karena Multiply dibekukan secara sepihak oleh pemiliknya – ya, hak mereka sih dan saya hormati keputusan itu. Dan, cara yang paling gampang adalah mindahin semua hak milik saya ke WordPress, secara kebanyakan teman-teman Multiplier kasih saran yang lengkap banget tentang cara memindahkan blog ke WordPress, yang lain susah deh dan banyak yang gak bisa kebawa. Ya udah deh! Saya juga nggak mau kehilangan satu tulisan pun walaupun udah banyak juga yang hilang atau terputus dari tautannya.

Yang sedih lagi adalah hilangnya kontak — beberapa pindah ke blogs lain, beberapa jadi Facebookers atau tweeps sejati, ada juga yang ngambek dan nggak mau nge-blog lagi. Yang pada pindah ke WordPress juga nggak aktif-aktif amat. Kesepian euy! Alamak lebay!

Jadi kebanyakan yang muncul di Readers ya yang nulisnya bahasa Inggris, jarang banget yang berbahasa Indonesia atau Jawa; so, saya saat itu memutuskan nulis pakai bahasa Inggris ajeh biar berasa komunikasi beneran gitu. Pada saat yang sama gue nggak putus asa, hunting bloggers yang berbahasa Indonesia biar tambah kerasan di WordPress. Lebay lagi! Tapi bener lho.… 🙂

Udah ketemu beberapa. Yay!

Ya udah deh basal komunikasi pakai dwi-bahasa atau Bahasa Indonesia aja. Nggak janji juga sih ha ha….


Picture borrowed from

Malaysia – November 5, 2014 – 1:52am


I am so busy with myself.

My friends — some — think I’ve been so ignorant to them.

Then they left me behind.

Not sure what they want form me. They want my attention maybe…. But they at the same time forget that I need to share my self with my own self. I’ve been giving them my whole attention and it is time to hold! Hold.

I am sorry, my dear friends….

Please move on. With your hatred to me. Or, with your ignorance to me. Or, with your disappointment to me. Or, with whatever you have or not have for me…. Place and time are yours, and mine is now and here. Let’s move on to our direction we’ve chosen with all our heart.

Let’s love our selves; because before loving the air, we should be able to love our breath…. Let me love my self now; that way I can show you truly how I do love you.

No matter how goddamn upset with me, please forgive me. Please go on leaving me. Please love your self. Please let me love my self…. Let’s breathe freely.

The light is at the end of the tunnel. You reach it at the end of yours and I do mine. That fair.

Thank you, dear friends…..



Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur – June 20, 2014 – 11:22pm


Picture borrowed form

Friendly Taiwan

Finally I got the visa for Taiwan just one half day before I flew to the country. It was a business trip and at the same time to meet the warm people in which I am working.

Taiwan in my first visit last year has given me a very good impression. I was invited to a dinner with a friend. They welcomed me so nicely, respected me like an long lost friend. In the small restaurant almost all guests were looking at me because of my different apparel (I’m a muslim woman and wear headdress.) and they smiled at me after my friend explained “muslim, muslim…”.

And, since then Taiwan has been one of my favorite countries among them visited.

In my recent visit my friend invited all of me and other colleagues to a local restaurant to enjoy Taiwan local cuisine. A lot of food, big smiles, sincerity gliding in the air…. Thank you, Joanne….

Let’s note that when we come to a place, it is not the luxury that impresses you first. It is always how the human beings are treating us. Let’s be warm heart and welcome fellow creatures on earth. Once we share a good space for others, they would love to take us to their heart….

If I have time, I’d like to visit this country not for work, to take my dear family here to enjoy the warmth of the people’s heart in the small country.


YCK Road – June 16, 2014 – 12:06am


Picture borrowed from

Challenges from A Friend

I have a new friend that has given me a lot of inputs about what I should do in my spiritual journey. She supports me with her reading the clues around me and finds solutions for not a few of my problems and several times provides me with challenges.

Once she told me to thank myself for having been supporting me all this ups and downs. She told me to love myself more than I do others – I’d been so exhausted, she said which is true. She also taught me a therapy to face myself – mirror therapy.


In mirror therapy, I should look at my reflection on the mirror and talk to her. Oh my… It is just like I am having split personality. Yeah…. I was talking like crazy: I expressed my bad emotions at the beginning. Anger, disappointment, shame, fright,   humiliation, lonely, all those kinds of negativities bounced at me. By times, I got better – I said “I love you” to my reflection. Isn’t it to my self? Oh yeah… Yes, it works wonder.

Last night we chatted in whatsapp. This time she brought me one more therapy. It is calligraphy.

I was a bit stunned. It reminded me to a lot of forgotten hobbies. Talking to my self, standing in front of the mirror, saying thank you without reasons. And now calligraphy.


She said I need it to stabilize my inner power. My energy is balancing and my body should support it by harmonizing the inner waves. The idea of practicing calligraphy helps us pay attention on stable physical results by controlling emotion inside. I notice my handwriting becomes worst and worst, kinda scribbling rather than writing. Yes, it is time to go back to nature.

Once in elementary school I experimented using my own “font” when writing the a, b, c, d, e up to z in a test to match words and their meanings. And, my grade ended up at 70 while actually I got all correct. It failed in peer correction – my friends did not understand my font.

In junior high, I tried to join calligraphy class where we were taught how to handwrite words taken from Holy Koran. I got good grades. Oh my, I didn’t even know the meaning…. So interesting!

In senior high, we competed to have beautiful yet readable handwriting. And I was one of the best. Oh yeah!

In college I was even crazier…. I memorized by writing all the words…. Beautifully….

Yes, yes…. I am showing off….

Ha ha ha…. What I was trying to underline is calligraphy has been part of mine. I just forgot it some time. My friend came and offered me a new challenge and I love it not because I love the challenge itself but because it brings me to my own self.

Oh, I love this. Really. I am walking into my inner self and I am really happy. Like going back home….

Thank you, Tristi.

Singapore – October 21, 2013 – 21:51